what an amazing event!

A big thanks to our judges

Nicholas F. Polys is Director of Visual Computing with Virginia Tech Research Computing Group and Affiliate Research Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He has developed interactive 3D graphic content and systems for over 15 years.

He is a member of ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and the Web3D Consortium. He is a co-author of the international standard (ISO) Extensible 3D (X3D), elected Director and President of the Web3D Consortium, and Chair of the Web3D User Interface Working Group.

Avi Bar-Zeev has spent the last 20+ years building real-time simulation, human-computer-interaction and internet scale applications on projects as diverse as load-balancing routers, robotic parachutes, and natural user interfaces.

He co-founded Keyhole, Inc. in 1999, designing and building the application that was later called Google Earth, was at Linden Lab developing core technologies for Second Life, and is currently at Amazon, working on Prime Air, building a stellar team in SF to help make aerial drone delivery common.

Tony Parisi is an entrepreneur and career CTO/software architect. He has developed international standards and protocols, created noteworthy software products, and started and sold technology companies.

He is the co-creator of the VRML and X3D ISO standards for networked 3D graphics, and continues to innovate in 3D technology. Tony is the founder of Vizi, a San Francisco-based interactive agency developing 3D applications for web, mobile and the new generation of virtual reality systems.

Hack Challenge Categories & Winners

a big thanks to our 24 participating teams.
It was hard for the judges as all the entries were awesome. Here are the hack category winners!

Best Web-based VR Project

1st place: Team Med Explorer
2nd place: Team VLSC
3rd place: Team STOQs

Best Mobile-based VR Project

1st place: Team VR Awesome
2nd place: Team VR Muffin

Best Digital Fabrication VR Project

1st place: Team Mood Engine
2nd place: Team LM

Best Looking VR Scene

1st place: Team Rayrunner

Best Health & VR Project

1st place: Team Skywalker
2nd place: Team Hand Tremors
3rd place: Team Ebola

Best Character Experience

1st place: Team Don't Lie to Me

Best Unity3D VR Project

1st place: Team 1-800-Reactive

Best Mixed Reality Gaming Project

1st place: Team Build It Mondo Style

Best VR Project of Show

1st place: Team 1-800-Reactive

Best New VR Developer

1st place: Team Bloodm00n